Useful scripts
Play using unscaled time
Add this script to a Doodle Animator to make it play using unscaled time so you can play animations normally in a pause menu.
using UnityEngine;
using DoodleStudio95;
namespace DoodleStudio95Examples {
/// Workaround to have a DoodleAnimator use unscaled time, so you can
/// play animations in a pause menu
public class DoodleAnimateOnUnscaledTime : MonoBehaviour {
DoodleAnimator animator;
void Start () {
animator = GetComponent<DoodleAnimator>();
// Pause the animator so its playback script doesn't override this
void Update () {
int frame = 0;
// Get the frame number we need to be at, passing unscaled time
animator.File.GetFrameAt(out frame, Time.unscaledTime, animator.speed,
animator.PlaybackMode, animator.FramesPerSecond);
// Set the animator to the right frame